Team Bronze at the RMC Team Tournament

The club capped off a very successful weekend at the RMC Team Tournament in Kingston where it was represented by a women’s and a men’s team!

The men’s team composed of Brannon, Aurélien and Sam fenced on Saturday. They won easily against the team from McMaster and fought hard against a tough team from Western. In their elimination round, they fenced against a team from the Ajax Fencing Club, and lost by one point. Brannon valiantly made up many points in his last match but ultimately ran out of time to tie up the score. Great effort from the team!

The women’s team composed of Jill, Lauren and Andrea. They won both their poule matches, against a team from Queens and Trent, and continued the momentum winning their first elimination match against U.S.Military Academy. In top 8, they faced the team from RMC, which brought about a very exciting match. The team fell behind and were down by 9 points, at which point Andrea made up 6 points and Jill beat her opponent by 6 points, putting the team ahead by 3 points! Lauren made sure the lead was safe and added to it as well, which ensured the team’s victory! In the semi finals the team faced a very strong Western team and lost, and then won the bronze medal match, bringing home the BRONZE medal!

Congrats everyone, it was a beautiful weekend of fencing, cheering, supporting each other, talking tactics, and spending 18 hours in the fencing gym between the two days! Wouldn’t have had it any other way.