Youth Provincial Championships

Hillary, Catherine and Lou had a strong showing at the Youth Provincials and represented the London Fencing Club very well with their skill and competitive spirit.

Congratulations to Lou for being a bronze medalist in the Cadet category. Lou treated the poules as his warm up, and really kicked it up to a higher gear in the direct elimination rounds. He easily won his first DE 15-8, the second bout was closer but still easily won by Lou. In the semi finals he unfortunately lost to the eventual gold medalist, even though he tried everything, this time couldn’t get by Guo. Lou also fenced in the Junior category, in his DE in the round of 16 he made a comeback being down 7-10 and tied it at 14-14, but couldn’t manage the 15th hit. Regardless, Lou’s bronze medal is a great result, great job Lou!

Hillary and Catherine competed in the cadet and junior events as well. Catherine had a “bruising”, equipment-failing, but fun day. She enjoyed the day fencing lots, though she did say there were lots of very good fencers with lots of experience.

Hillary also had a fun day, in the Cadet competition she placed in the middle in her poule, though she beat people she doesn’t notmally beat which made her very happy. She won her first DE, and lost her second – though it was very close all the way. This placed her 6th. Great job Hillary!